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Sojoudi H., McKinley G.H, Gleason K.K.  2015.  Linker-Free Grafting of Fluorinated Polymeric Cross-Linked Network Bilayers for Durable Reduction of Ice Adhesion. Materials Horizons. 2(1):91-99.
Sojoudi H., Wang M., Boscher N.D, McKinley G.H, Gleason K.K.  2016.  Durable and Scalable Icephobic Surfaces: Similarities and Distinctions from Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Soft Matter. 12:1938-1963.
Sojoudi H., Walsh M.R, Gleason K.K, McKinley G.H.  2015.  Designing Durable Vapor-Deposited Surfaces for Reduced Hydrate Adhesion. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2(6)
Sojoudi H., Walsh M.R, Gleason K.K, McKinley G.H.  2015.  Investigation into the Formation and Adhesion of Cyclopentane Hydrates on Mechanically-Robust Vapor-Deposited Surfaces. Langmuir. 31(22):6186-6196.
Sojoudi H., Kim S., Zhao H., Annavarapu R.K, Mariappan D., Hart A.J, McKinley G.H, Gleason K.K.  2017.  Stable Wettability Control of Nanoporous Microstructures by iCVD Coating of Carbon Nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9(49):43287-43299.
Smith J.D, Meuler A.J, Bralower H.L, Venkatesan R., Subramanian S., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Varanasi K.K.  2012.  Hydrate-phobic Surfaces: Fundamental Studies in Clathrate Hydrate Adhesion Reduction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics . 14(17):6013-6020.
Smith J.D, Dhiman R., Anand S., Reza-Garduno E., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Varanasi K.K.  2013.  Droplet Mobility on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces. Soft Matter. 9(6):1772-1780.
Sing M.K, Wang Z.-G, McKinley G.H, Olsen B.D.  2015.  Chain-configuration and rate-dependent Mechanical Properties in Transient Networks. Soft Matter. 11(11):2085-2096.
Sharma V., McKinley G.H.  2012.  An Intriguing Empirical Rule for Computing the First Normal Stress Difference from Steady Shear Viscosity Data for Polymer Solutions and Melts. Rheologica Acta. 51(6):487-495.
Sharma V., Haward S.J, Serdy J., Keshavarz B., Söderland A., Threlfall-Holmes P., McKinley G.H.  2015.  The Rheology of Aqueous Solutions of Ethyl Hydoxy-Ethyl Cellulose (EHEC) and its Hydrophobically-Modified Analogue (hmEHEC) II: Extensional Flow Response in Capillary Breakup, Jetting and in a Cross-Slot Extensional Rheometer. Soft Matter. 11(16):3251-3270.
Shahsavari S., McKinley G.H.  2015.  Mobility of Power-Law Fluids and Carreau Fluids in Fibrous Media. Physical Review E. 92
Shahsavari S., McKinley G.H.  2016.  Mobility and Pore-Scale Fluid Dynamics of Rate-Dependent Yield-Stress Fluids Flowing Through Fibrous Porous Media. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 235:76-82.
Shahsavari S., Wardle B.L, McKinley G.H.  2014.  Interception Efficiency in Two-Dimensional Flow Past Confined Porous Cylinders. Chemical Engineering Science. 116:752-762.
Schaefer C, McKinley GH, McLeish TCB.  2022.  theme issue on complex rheology in biological systems.
Saranadhi D., Chen D., Kleingartner J.A, Srinivasan S., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H.  2016.  Sustained Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flows Using a Low Temperature Leidenfrost Surface. Science Advances. 2(10)
Rykaczewski K., Paxson A.T, Staymates M., Walker M.L, Sun X., Anand S., Srinivasan S., McKinley G.H, Chinn J., Scott H.J et al..  2014.  Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids on Omniphobic Surfaces. Scientific Reports. 4
Rich J.P, McKinley G.H, Doyle P.S.  2012.  Arrested Chain Growth During Magnetic Directed Particle Assembly in Yield Stress Matrix Fluids. Langmuir. 28(8):3683-3689.
Rich J.P, Doyle P.S, McKinley G.H.  2012.  Magnetorheology in an Aging, Yield Stress Matrix Fluid. Rheologica Acta. 51(7):579-593.
Regitsky A.U, Keshavarz B., McKinley G.H, Holten-Andersen N..  2017.  Rheology as a Mechanoscopic Method to Track Biomineralization in Hydrogels. Biomacromolecules. 18(12):4067-4074.
Rathinaraj JDavid John, Hendricks J, McKinley GH, Clasen C.  2022.  Orthochirp: A fast spectro-mechanical probe for monitoring transient microstructural evolution of complex fluids during shear. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 301:104744.
Rathinaraj JDavid John, McKinley GH.  2023.  Gaborheometry: Applications of the discrete Gabor transform for time resolved oscillatory rheometry. Journal of Rheology. 67:479–497.
Rathinaraj JDavid John, Keshavarz B, McKinley GH.  2022.  Why the Cox–Merz rule and Gleissle mirror relation work: A quantitative analysis using the Wagner integral framework with a fractional Maxwell kernel. Physics of Fluids. 34:033106.
Rathinaraj J.DJ, McKinley G.H, Keshavarz B..  2021.  Incorporating Nonlinearity into Fractional Calculus Descriptions of Fractal Matter and Multiscale Complex fluids. Fractal and Fractional.
Rao A., Divoux T., McKinley G.H, Hart A.J.  2019.  Shear-Melting and Recovery of Crosslinkable Cellulose Nanocrystal-Polymer Gels. Soft Matter . 15
Rajappan A., McKinley G.H.  2020.  Cooperative drag reduction in turbulent flows using polymer additives and superhydrophobic walls. Physical Review Fluids. 5(11)
