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Sojoudi H., Walsh M.R, Gleason K.K, McKinley G.H.  2015.  Designing Durable Vapor-Deposited Surfaces for Reduced Hydrate Adhesion. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2(6)
Kleingartner J.A, Srinivasan S., Truong Q.T, Sieber M., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H.  2015.  Designing Robust Hierarchically-Structured Oleophobic Fabrics. Langmuir. 31(48):13201-13213.
Owens C.E, Headrick R.J, Williams S.M, Fike A.J, Pasquali M., McKinley G.H, Hart A.J.  2021.  Direct Writing of Conductive Carbon Nanotube Circuits and Sensors: The Role of Substrate-Wetting Interactions. Advanced Functional Materials. 31
Palangetic L., Reddy N.K, Srinivasan S., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Clasen C..  2014.  Dispersity and Spinnability: Why Highly Polydisperse Polymers are Desirable for Electrospinning. Polymer. 55:4920-4931.
Srinivasan S., Choi W., Park K.-C, Chhatre S.S, Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H.  2013.  Drag Reduction for Viscous Laminar Flow on Spray-Coated Non-Wetting Surfaces. Soft Matter. 9(24):5691-5702.
Raayai-Ardakani S., McKinley G.H.  2017.  Drag Reduction Using Wrinkled Surfaces in High Reynolds Number Laminar Boundary Layer Flow. Physics of Fluids. 29
Smith J.D, Dhiman R., Anand S., Reza-Garduno E., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Varanasi K.K.  2013.  Droplet Mobility on Lubricant-Impregnated Surfaces. Soft Matter. 9(6):1772-1780.
Rykaczewski K., Paxson A.T, Staymates M., Walker M.L, Sun X., Anand S., Srinivasan S., McKinley G.H, Chinn J., Scott H.J et al..  2014.  Dropwise Condensation of Low Surface Tension Fluids on Omniphobic Surfaces. Scientific Reports. 4
Sojoudi H., Wang M., Boscher N.D, McKinley G.H, Gleason K.K.  2016.  Durable and Scalable Icephobic Surfaces: Similarities and Distinctions from Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Soft Matter. 12:1938-1963.
Song J, Li Q, Chen P, Keshavarz B, Chapman BS, Tracy JB, McKinley GH, Holten-Andersen N.  2022.  Dynamics of dual-junction-functionality associative polymer networks with ion and nanoparticle metal-coordinate cross-link junctions. Journal of Rheology. 66:1333–1345.
Li G., McKinley G.H, Ardekani A.M.  2015.  Dynamics of Particle Migration in Channel Flow of Viscoelastic Fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 785:486-505.
Gondal M.A, Sadullah M.S, Qahtan T.F, Dastageer M.A, Baig U., McKinley G.H.  2017.  Fabrication and Wettability Study of WO3 Coated Photocatalytic Membrane for Oil-Water Separation: A Comparative Study with ZnO Coated Membrane. Scientific Reports. 7
Fernandes C, Faroughi SA, Ribeiro R, Isabel A, McKinley GH.  2022.  Finite volume simulations of particle-laden viscoelastic fluid flows: Application to hydraulic fracture processes. Engineering with Computers. 38:5395–5421.
Li Y., Hu M., McKenna G.B, Dimitriou C.J, McKinley G.H, Mick R.M, Venerus D.C, Archer L.A.  2013.  Flow Field Visualization of Entangled Polybutadiene Solutions Under Nonlinear Viscoelastic Flow Conditions. Journal of Rheology. 57
Fernandez D.M, Torregrosa A., Weiss-Penzias P.S, Zhang B.J, Sorensen D., Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Kleingartner J.A, Oliphant A., Bowman M..  2017.  Fog Water Collection Effectiveness: Mesh Intercomparisons. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 18(1):270-283.
Jaishankar A., McKinley G.H.  2014.  A Fractional K-BKZ Constitutive Formulation for Describing the Nonlinear Rheology of Multiscale Complex Fluids. Journal of Rheology. 58(6):1751-1788.
Faber T.J, van Breemen L.CA, McKinley G.H.  2017.  From Firm to Fluid – Structure-Texture Relations of Filled Gels Probed Under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear. Journal of Food Engineering. 210:1-18.
Fernandes C., Faroughi S.A, Caneiro O.S, Nobrega J.M, McKinley G.H.  2019.  Fully-resolved simulations of particle-laden viscoelastic fluids using an immersed boundary method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 266
