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Jaishankar A., McKinley G.H.  2012.  Power-Law Rheology in the Bulk and at the Interface: Quasi-properties and Fractional Constitutive Equations. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 469(2149)
Jaishankar A., Wee M., Matia-Merino L., Goh K.KT, McKinley G.H.  2015.  Probing Hydrogen-Bond Interactions in a Shear-Thickening Polysaccharide using Nonlinear Shear and Extensional Rheology. Carbohydrate Polymers. 123:136-145.
Jaishankar A., McKinley G.H.  2014.  An Analytical Solution to the Extended Navier-Stokes Equations using the Lambert W Function. AIChE Journal. 60(4):1413-1423.
Jaishankar A., McKinley G.H.  2014.  A Fractional K-BKZ Constitutive Formulation for Describing the Nonlinear Rheology of Multiscale Complex Fluids. Journal of Rheology. 58(6):1751-1788.
Jamali S., Armstrong R.C, McKinley G.H.  2020.  Time-Rate-Transformation framework for targeted assembly of short-range attractive colloidal suspensions. Materials Today Advances. 5:100026.
Jamali S, McKinley GH.  2022.  The Mnemosyne number and the rheology of remembrance. Journal of Rheology. 66:1027–1039.
Jamali S., Armstrong R.C, McKinley G.H.  2019.  Multiscale Nature of Thixotropy and Rheological Hysteresis in Attractive Colloidal Suspensions under Shear. Physical Review Letters. 123:248003.
Jamali S., McKinley G.H, Armstrong R.C.  2017.  Microstructural Rearrangements and Their Rheological Implications in a Model Thixotropic Elastoviscoplastic Fluid. Physical Review Letters. 118
Joens MA, Doyle PS, McKinley GH, Swan JW.  2022.  Time-dependent two-dimensional translation of a freely rotating sphere in a viscoelastic fluid. Physics of Fluids. 34:123110.
Kalwani N.M, Ong C.A, Lysaght A.C, Haward S.J, McKinley G.H, Stankovic K.M.  2013.  Quantitative Polarized Light Microscopy of Unstained Mammalian Cochlear Sections. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 18(2)
Keshavarz B., Zarket B., Amin S., Rughani R., Muthukrishnan S., Holten-Andersen N., McKinley G.H.  2021.  Characterizing Viscoelastic Properties of Synthetic and Natural Fibers and Their Coatings with a Torsional Pendulum. Soft Matter. 17
Keshavarz B., Houze E.C, Moore J.R, Koerner M.R, McKinley G.H.  2016.  Ligament Mediated Fragmentation of Viscoelastic Liquids. Physical Review Letters. 117
Keshavarz B., Divoux T., Manneville S.A, McKinley G.H.  2017.  Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Generalized Failure Criteria for Biopolymer Gels. ACS Macro Letters. 6(7):663-667.
Keshavarz B., Sharma V., Houze E.C, Koerner M.R, Moore J.R, Cotts P.M, Threlfall-Holmes P., McKinley G.H.  2015.  Studying the Effects of Elongational Properties on Atomization of Weakly Viscoelastic Solutions Using Rayleigh Ohnesorge Jetting Extensional Rheometry (ROJER). Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 222:234-247.
Keshavarz B., McKinley G.H.  2016.  Micro-scale Extensional Rheometry using Hyperbolic Converging/Diverging Channels and Jet Breakup. Biomicrofluidics. 10
Keshavarz B., D. Rodrigues G, Champenois J., Frith M.G, Ilavsky J., Geri M., Divoux T., McKinley G.H, Poulesquen A..  2021.  Time–connectivity superposition and the gel/glass duality of weak colloidal gels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(5)
Keshavarz B., Houze E.C, Moore J.R, Koerner M.R, McKinley G.H.  2020.  Rotary atomization of Newtonian and viscoelastic liquids. Physical Review Fluids. 5:033601.
Kim J.-G, Choi H.J, Park K.-C, Cohen R.E, McKinley G.H, Barbastathis G..  2014.  Multifunctional Inverted Nanocone Arrays for Non-wetting, Self-cleaning Transparent Surface with High Mechanical Robustness. Small. 10(12):2487-2494.
Kim S., Regitsky A.U, Song J., Ilavsky J., McKinley G.H, Holten-Andersen N..  2021.  In Situ Mechanical Reinforcement of Polymer Hydrogels via Metal-Coordinated Crosslink Mineralization. Nature Communications. 12
