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Gaborheometry: Applications of the discrete Gabor transform for time resolved oscillatory rheometry. Journal of Rheology. 67:479–497.
2023. A Generalized Phan-Thien–Tanner Model for Viscoelastic Fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.
2019. .
2019. Geometry-Mediated Drag Reduction in Taylor-Couette Flow. Physical Review Fluids. 5
2020. The hidden hierarchical nature of soft particulate gels. Nature Physics.
In Press. High-energy and high-power Zn-Ni flow batteries with semi-solid electrodes. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 4(8)
2020. High-flux Magnetorheology at Elevated Temperatures. Rheologica Acta. 52(7):623-641.
2013. High-Resolution Velocity Measurement in the Inner Part of Turbulent Boundary Layers Over Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 801:670-703.
2016. Hydrate-phobic Surfaces: Fundamental Studies in Clathrate Hydrate Adhesion Reduction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics . 14(17):6013-6020.
2012. Hydrodynamics Control shear-Induced Pattern Formation in Attractive Suspensions. Proceedings of National Academy of Science. 116
2019. Icephobic Surfaces Induced by Interfacial Nonfrozen Water. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9(4):4202-4214.
2017. The Importance of Flow History in Mixed Shear and Extensional Flows. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 233:133-145.
2016. An improved Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometer to characterize weakly rate-thickening fluids: Applications in synthetic automotive oils. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.
2021. Improved rheometry of yield stress fluids using bespoke fractal 3D printed vanes. Journal of Rheology. 64:643–662.
2020. In Situ Mechanical Reinforcement of Polymer Hydrogels via Metal-Coordinated Crosslink Mineralization. Nature Communications. 12
2021. Incorporating Nonlinearity into Fractional Calculus Descriptions of Fractal Matter and Multiscale Complex fluids. Fractal and Fractional.
2021. Inertio-elastic Focusing of Bioparticles in Microchannels at Ultra-High Throughput. Nature Communications. 5
2014. Influence of textural statistics on drag reduction by scalable, randomly rough superhydrophobic surfaces in turbulent flow. Physics of Fluids. 31
2019. Instabilities in Stagnation Point Flow of Polymer Solutions. Physics of Fluids. 25
2013. Interception Efficiency in Two-Dimensional Flow Past Confined Porous Cylinders. Chemical Engineering Science. 116:752-762.
2014. Interplay between Elastic Instabilities and Shear-Banding: Three Categories of Taylor-Couette Flows and Beyond. Soft Matter. 8(39):10072-10089.
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2015. Kinetics of Photoinduced Wettability Switching on Nanoporous Titania Surfaces Under Oil. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
2017. Layer-by-Layer Functionalized Nanotube Arrays: A versatile Microfluidic Platform for Biodetection. Microsystems & Nanoengineering. 1