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Crack Morphologies in Drying Suspension Drops. Soft Matter. 17
2021. Coupled Dynamics of Flow, Microstructure and Conductivity in Sheared Suspensions. Soft Matter. 12:7688-7697.
2016. Cooperative drag reduction in turbulent flows using polymer additives and superhydrophobic walls. Physical Review Fluids. 5(11)
2020. Constant Force Extensional Rheometry of Polymer Solutions. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 169-170:26-41.
2012. Computing the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Soft Gels Using an Optimally Windowed Chirp Protocol. Journal of Rheology. 62
2018. Computational rheometry of yielding and viscoplastic flow in vane-and-cup rheometer fixtures. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 307:104857.
2022. A Comprehensive Constitutive Law for Waxy Crude Oil: a Thixotropic Yield Stress Fluid. Soft Matter. 10(35):6619-6644.
2014. Complex Fluids and Hydraulic Fracturing. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. 7:415-453.
2016. A closure model for the drag coefficient of a sphere translating in a viscoelastic fluid. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 277:104218.
2020. Characterizing Viscoelastic Properties of Synthetic and Natural Fibers and Their Coatings with a Torsional Pendulum. Soft Matter. 17
2021. Chain-configuration and rate-dependent Mechanical Properties in Transient Networks. Soft Matter. 11(11):2085-2096.
2015. Capillary Breakup of Discontinuously Rate Thickening Suspensions. Physical Review Letters. 111
2013. A Canonical Framework for Modeling Elasto-Viscoplasticity in Complex Fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 265
2019. .
Asphaltene Adsorption on Functionalized Solids. Langmuir. 36(14)
2020. Arrested Chain Growth During Magnetic Directed Particle Assembly in Yield Stress Matrix Fluids. Langmuir. 28(8):3683-3689.
2012. Apparent Shear Thickening at Low Shear Rates in Polymer Solutions Can Be an Artifact of Non-Equilibration. Applied Rheology. 26
2016. Anti-Fatigue Fracture Hydrogels. Science Advances. 5(1)
2019. An Analytical Solution to the Extended Navier-Stokes Equations using the Lambert W Function. AIChE Journal. 60(4):1413-1423.
2014. An Analytic Solution for Capillary Thinning and Breakup of FENE-P Fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 218:53-61.
2015. Age-Dependent Capillary Thinning Dynamics of Physically-Associated Salivary Mucin Networks. Journal of Rheology. 61(6)
2017. 3D-Printability of Silk/Hydroxyapatite Composites for Micro-prosthetic Applications. ACS Biomaterials & Engineering .
In Press.